
The NCS has archive material dating back to the very beginning of the Society.  All the original paper documents have been deposited with the Cheshire Record Office in Chester for safe-keeping (deposit reference D 9713).  The collection is being catalogued and it will appear in their online catalogue when that process is complete.

To make the archive accessible through this website, most of the material has been scanned and saved as PDF files which have been grouped and uploaded as zipped file.  The groupings are:

By periods – all available documents for each specified period are collected together and listed in date sequence
Archive 1972-1982
Archive 1983-1997
Archive 1998-2005
Archive 2005-2015
Archive 2016-present

By type (newspaper cuttings, posters, programs etc) which have been saved in separate folders and contained in one zipped file Archive files by type

Come and Sing

Meeting Minutes
News and Reviews
Publicity Leaflets
Singing Days